Monday, June 22, 2020

Hency Talks #1

"What happens with me after a fight is ......"

It was yesterday when my mom was yelling at me for some random topic, I just got angry and boom there was a fight between my mom and me. So What happens with me after a fight is ......
I have a short temper. Sometimes, I just lose my patience, and another version of me takes over.It can be your fault or just a misunderstanding, but when I burst, all hell breaks down. And then, I don't have any control over my tongue. I end up saying super mean things, things that I don't even mean. I refuse to pause and think rationally. And until that fire of anger is burning, I don't even realize what I have done. Infact, I would be even ready to do more, say more mean things. It's only when I cool down, I look back and realize what has just happened. And then, if I have said something really wrong, I feel terrible. I feel so,so bad that I want to hide somewhere or just slap myself for being such an idiot.I keep cursing myself.I keep burning in my soul in regret.

I am a flawed person.So, I do make my share of my mistakes.And when I make them, I end up acting like a totally shitty person, a person that I look back and feel so angry at.I have this problem when I get triggered. But after I cool down, I always do realize my mistake.I always do feel genuinely sorry.And I always do go back to the person to say my heartfelt sorry.I have no ego about it.I won't even say that you said this hurtful thing to me too.No, I don't need your sorry in return of my sorry.I just feel so heavy in my heart that I want to get rid of that burden.So what matters to me is that I tell my truth and apologize with all my heart.

That's how I have lived.I know many people keep grudges. I know many people look foe revenge.But I have this heart.I have this heart that I can't be consumed by hate after a point.I would always try to make things better again.I will always try to go back to that person and apologize.There is so much mess around us. Isn't it?
So many people are dying of depression.We should all try to make it better foe others.Say a genuine sorry to someone you have hurt. Give your genuine forgiveness to someone who has realized that mistake.It's good for both of us.Both our hearts will feel lighter.Both our souls will HEAL.

Did you find it relatable?
Yeah ? So do the same thing that I have done !!! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Humans are the actual VIRUS ?

Do You visit a Place called Prison For Animals that is called ZOO ?

I always wondered what it would feel like getting Caged inside the Zoo for them and now when I have like 1% idea of the PAIN we caused them due to Lockdown, I feel sorry for what they go through.

Let's eliminate our support for zoos when sanctuaries are truly the place that rescue, rehabilitate and releases the creatures. Animals do not exist for our entertainment. We created Virtual Technology but we keep forcing animals into cages for our entertainment.

They too deserve the freedom which we all are craving for RIGHT NOW! After-all, its their Home too!

I won't ever visit Zoo and Circuses. 
I won't pay to take pictures with Animals.
I won't Entertain anyone that Exploits these Living Creatures.

A few days ago, after hearing this news I was just shocked , how cruel can humans be ? 
In Kerala, a pregnant mother elephant was given a pineapple filled with crackers to eat. It burst into her mouth. Even while suffering in acute pain, with a bloody mouth, she did not hurt anyone in the area. She went into a river to dip her mouth in water to soothe her pain. She died standing in the river. Just imagine her helplessness that could not defend her baby inside her. Maybe, she was blaming herself to have eaten that pineapple that killed her child. Maybe, she was blaming herself that why she trusted these humans. God's own country of Godless people. We, humans, are the most pathetic creatures on earth. We think planet belongs only to humans. But this planet belongs to every single animal life. We destroy nature. We slaughter animals. We torture helpless souls for our pleasure. Sometimes, I think that we have ruined this earth enough for nature to take revenge and wipe us out.
If we remove all the ants from Earth, all living beings on Earth will survive maximum for a period of 4 years. If we remove all the insects from earth, life will sustain on Earth only for a period of 2-3 years.If we remove all the human beings from Earth, our planet will flourish.
What if Corona is the cure for Mother Earth and we are the actual VIRUS?

It is high time that we should start taking Mother nature seriously.