Monday, March 30, 2020

Getting ANGRY? Here is the Pro TIP

I get annoyed for every small things in my life!
"If you too get angry, read this beautiful story from Buddha's teaching, that i came across. I bet it will surely change your mood now."

One day Buddha was walking through a village.A very angry and rude young man came up and began insulting him, "You have no right teaching others", he shouted.. "You are as stupid as everyone else.You are nothing but fake."

Buddha was not upset by these insults.Instead he asked the young man, "Tell me, if you buy a gift for someone and that person does not take it, to whom does the gift belong?"

The man was surprised to be asked such a strange question and answered, "It would belong to me because I bought the gift."

The Buddha smiled and said, "That is correct.And it is exactly the same with your anger.If you become angry with me and I do not get insulted,then the anger falls back on you.If you want to stop hurting yourself,you must get rid of your anger and become loving instead.When you hate others,you yourself become unhappy.But when you love others",The Buddha smiled "everyone is happy."

So from this what did we learn folks ?

Of course, we need to stop hurting ourselves and start loving ourselves.If we love ourselves, then we will love other people too.

A few lines from Jackson Kiddard -

Anything that annoys you is teaching you Patience.
Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand-up on your own feet.
Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
Anything that has power over you is teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate is teaching you unconditional love.
Anything you fear is teaching you courage to overcome your fear.
Anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

CORONAVIRUS - Myths Vs Facts

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread to atleast 100 countries around the world.
Here are some of the myths.

Myth 1 :
Use of masks (Surgical and N-95) are a must to protect yourself.

Surgical masks are not recommended even by WHO for people who are healthy.It's for people who have cough, as it will prevent infection, which is in the droplet, from spreading. It also helps in preventing people from touching their face regularly.If the mask gets soiled or moist, it should be changed. You should know how to wear it properly and wash your hands before wearing it.

Myth 2 :
Exposure to the sun for 2-3 hours, drinking hot water and regular gargles will help in protecting against the virus.

There is no data available to prove this.Daily exposure to the sun is unlikely to protect you.

Myth 3 :
Using sanitisers is as good as washing your hands.

Sanitisers are useful when you're travelling and there is no access to soap  and water.But it is always preferable to wash your hands with soap and water. Sanitisers are made of chemicals which kill the virus but the chemical stays on your palms.Once you are back home,you must wash your hands even if you have used a sanitiser.

Myth 4 :
COVID-19 is an airborne infection

It is not an airborne virus in the true sense.It is a droplet infection; it can go about a meter when a person coughs.If you are in close contact with an infected person,chances of the virus depositing on your face are high. Droplets can settle on a surface and the virus can survive for a few hours.

Myth 5 :
Virus doesn't survive in hot climate.Increase in temperature will kill the virus.

This infection is taking place in tropical countries.There are cases being reported from Singapore,Thailand. So it isn't true.It is however likely that the transmission of the infection come down to some extent with increase in temperature.

Myth 6 :
Alcohol consumption will help.

There is no scientific evidence to say so.

Myth 7 :
Home Remedies such as use of garlic,honey,lemon,cloves etc.. are helpful.

There is not enough evidence to show that these are useful.

Myth 8 :
Avoid packed food, especially imported ones.

Most packed food products are processed and packaged properly.The virus will not survive for that long.It is not a very hardy virus that can survive for months.

Myth 9 :
Virus can survive forever on metal.

It depends on the humidity and the temperature. If the virus is indoors and on a metal surface, then it can survive for 8-10 hours.But generally it survives for 3-4 hours.Rise in temperature is likely to decrease the chance of the virus transmission in the outside environment.

Myth 10 :
The sale of meat and poultry products has plummeted, as these are considered unsafe.

It's important to understand that it is a virus which jumped species. It started from animals and has now become a human virus with the ability to stretch from one individual to another through coughing and close contact. Not eating non-veg or eggs will not protect you because it is not getting transmitted from meat or meat products.