Friday, June 14, 2019

What is your WHY?

Go back to the time where this all started.That's where you'll find the answers.Because the dream never changed,just the goals to get there did.
It's interesting how the brain works.It's interesting how life works.It's pushes you in the right direction by giving you the lessons but it doesn't tell you  the answers.It wants you to find the answers yourself.
For me , there's always one dream that reoccurs and I'm not sure what it means.Even though,I know it's telling me something.I always find myself in a school setting .Whether it is reading a book or answering a question or whatever.I'm doing something different each time but every time,I'm not prepared at all but I try to figure it out before the bell rings.It's quite interesting if you ask me because I graduated from school a long time ago so I'm no longer in that setting today.However , my subconscious is using that setting to tell me something.What's interesting is middle/high school is where it all began for me.That's where I began my blogging journey.And that's the connection into my life today.The answers you seek today is the same answers when you first started.The dream never changed,just the goals to get there did.Don't forget your why.It's why you're here today.It's why you've gotten this far.It's why you're still fighting.It's why you're going to get there.
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.Be patient.Be humble.Keep moving forward and know that all this hard work you're putting in day in and day out will produce the results you've been looking for.Your time is coming.Do not give up.If it doesn't happen today,there's always tomorrow.Have patience.Have faith.Be practical.Believe in yourself more. You've worked so hard thus far.Keep pushing for more.You have what it takes.You always have.Keep the mindset sharp.Keep your eyes on the prize.Enjoy the journey that life has taken you.Enjoy the ups and downs.Look forward for more because it's coming.Just keep putting yourself in those places and you'll continue to see where life takes you.

How to solve PROBLEMS ?

What the majority does .....
Try --> Fail --> Try --> Fail --> Try --> Fail --> QUIT

What you should actually do....
Try --> Fail --> Analyze --> Adjust --> Try........continues until you solve.
Don't quit.Instead,learn from your failures, strategize,and keep trying.

Surround yourself with dreamers and the doers,the believers and thinkers,but most of all,surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you,even when you don't see it yourself.
As an individual ,it may feel lonely on the road to success.But it doesn't have to be that way.Don't neglect your loved ones,friends,or family while chasing your dreams.Let them be apart of that journey even though they may not understand.Help them understand.Even though you think you're doing it all for yourself,most likely you're doing all of this for them.
Why do you want to be successful ? Keep it real with yourself. There are some things that isn't for everyone.May be It's going to be hardest things you'll pursue in your lifetime.Even though it's hard,don't be afraid to give it a shot.You just never know what you're good at unless you try.Not everything in life is meant to be easy.The higher the risk,the higher reward.But be honest with yourself because that's the only competition you'll have everyday which is yourself.Know your why, know yourself, and leverage that to your advantage!
Fame is fool's gold.But you can gain notoriety by being the best at whatever you are skilled/talented at whether it be a nurse,carpenter,painter or a master mechanic.Concentrate on what makes you crazy excited and peaceful at the same time.The earliest time possible is what I recommend to accomplish maximum skill and pleasure from whatever path(s) you choose.Searching fame wrong way.........Feeling grateful and serving others it's a Joy.
"If you are looking for fame to define you,you'll never be happy" - The World.

The Rule of 72
A simple formula to see  how long it will take your money or investment to double in value :
    72/Interest Rate = Time to double your investment.
Always double your money.Invest for the long term,not the short term.Have more patience and discipline.Always do your homework before investing.If it sounds too good to be true,most likely it is too good to be true.

Last but not the least.....Figure out your gift and don't be afraid to use it.It's going to require some trial and error so go try things.Find what feels natural to you.Find what excites you.Do more of those things because it will get you closer to where you want to go.What you're looking for is in your natural talents.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

When Life Throws A Curve Ball

OUCH ! Feel It.Grieve It.Be kind To Yourself
Take tiny steps forward
Remember: Fear and Doubt is part of the  Process
So you gotta have FAITH.

Life likes to throw you curve balls when you least expect it.Just remember life doesn't give you something you can't handle.Have Faith.It will pass.Sometimes in life everything goes smoothly,And sometimes unexpected happens,The important thing is knowing how to turn problems into opportunities.We all have our own problems that we need to deal with.No one is perfect.Take it one day at a time. Instead of asking why is this happening to me? Ask yourself,What is this teaching me?
And what can I learn from this to become better.Appreciate what life is teaching you because that's going to help you along the way.We were given a gift and that is life itself.Everyday is a blessing in disguise.
Everyday you get 24 Hours, 1,400 Minutes , 86,400 Seconds .This time is Nonrefundable and Non-renewable.Be very selective on how you use your time.Spending in Non-Educational TV,Going out Excessively,To much Social media,Complaining Or Investing in Networking,Learning a Skill,Reading a book,Building an Income Source.So use your time wisely.Once it's gone,you don't get it back.
Some People want it to happen,Some wish it would happen,Others make it happen.(-Michael Jordan)
Anything is possible.You can achieve whatever it is that you call your true passion.If it's important enough to you,you'll find a way to make it work.Stick to one thing and try your best to be the very best at it.You got this! 💥 Aspire to insure before you expire 💥
What I'm trying to explain is When you do something new first people laugh at you,Then they challenge you,then they appreciate you,Then they set you as an Example.
Haters are going to hate.They always critique at first.Don't worry about what they think of you.Don't worry about what other people are doing.It's none of their business and it's none of their business.They're just pushing their own insecurities onto you because they wish they had the courage to do it themselves.Keep doing you.They'll continue to watch while you continue to do.
Growth Vs Fixed Mindset
GROWTH MINDSET                                      
 "Failure is an opportunity to grow"                                 
 "I can learn to do anything I want"                                       
 "Challenges help me to grow"                                             
 " I like to try new things"                                                     
 "I'm inspired by the success of others"                                   
 "Feedback is constructive"                                               

 "Failure is the limit of my abilities"
 "I'm either good at it or I'm not"   
 "I don't like to be challenges"
 "I stick to what I know"
 "When I'm frustrated,I give up"
 "Feedback and criticism are personal

Get your mind right.The way you see life determines everything.If you're not in a good place,this will affect everything everything else in your life.It affects your mood,your motivation,the decisions you make,the energy you put out,the things you say,the things you feel,etc.It all starts from within and works it's way out.Be aware of this so you can change your mindset for the better.Putting the blame on others doesn't solve the real problem and sometimes that problem is you.
Everyone has their own story.....And different way of telling their story..Some are like A Safety Box,If you don't know the password? You don't deserve their story.They will only tell their story to the people that they trust.Some are like A Message in the Bottle,They tell their story on the internet....Anonymously,No one knows their real identity,On social media:Long caption with a
fake-name account,Sometimes,people don't know or even don't care,Hence their story will remain unknown or will be forgotten :(  Some are like A Peeled Onion, the more you know about their story,the sadder you get.Their stories are mostly,sad stories...Share their story little by little,afraid if it'll be too much for those who listen...Honestly, They've been dying to tell someone about their story,But they are afraid of being judged by others :( and Some are like A Jack in the Box :)

A conversation between a Master and his student
Master : A fight is going on inside me....It's a terrible fight and it is between two Wolves.One is Evil.He is Anger , Envy , Sorrow , Regret , Greed , Arrogance , Self-Pity , Guilt , Resentment , Inferiority , Lies , False Pride,Superiority.......The other is Good .He is Joy, Peace , Love , Hope , Serenity , Humility , Kindness , Benevolence , Empathy , Generosity , Truth ,Compassion....and Faith.
The same fight is going on inside you.And inside every other person , too.
Student : Which wolf will win? Master!
Master : The one you feed.

Moral: We all go through it each and everyday....So make sure that you feed the right one.

Remember,most of your stress comes from the way you respond,not the way life is.Adjust your attitude,and all the extra stress is gone.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Do You Know Your Value?

There was a conversation between a father and a son.
Son: Father?
Father: Yeah?
Son: What is the value of my life?
Father: Son,Take this rock,And go sell it at a market.If anybody asks the price,rise two fingers and don't say anything.
Son: The boy then went to the market.
Lady: How much is this rock? I want to put it in my garden.
           (the boy didn't say anything and raise up two fingers........)
Lady: 2$ ? I'll take it......
           (and the boy went home and told his father.................)
Son:A Lady wanted to buy that rock for 2$.
Father: Son! I want you to take this rock to a museum,If anybody wants to buy it,rise two fingers and don't say anything.
         (the boy then went to museum.....Man in the museum wants to buy the rock.The boy didn't say a word and put up two figures and the man..........)
Man: 200$ ? I'll take it.
       (son comes home.........)
Son: Father, a man wants to buy this rock for 200$.
Father: Son,The last place I want you to take this rock is to a precious stone store.Show it to the owner and If he asks the price,rise two fingers and don't say anything.
        (the boy then went to the precious stone store......He showed the rock to the owner.)
Owner: Where did you find this stone? It is one of the most rarest stones of the world......... I must have it !!How would you sell it for ?
             (the boy put up two figures......)
Owner: I will take it for 200,000$
              (son comes home.......)
Son: Father,there is a man who wants to buy the rock for 200,000$.
Father: Son,do you know the value of your life now?
You see it doesn't matter where you come from,where you were born,the color of your skin or how much money you have.....It matters where you decide to place yourself with and how you chose to carry yourself.You may have lived you whole life thinking you were a 2$ stone,you may have lived your whole life surrounded by people that saw your worth only for 2$,but everybody has a diamond inside them and we can choose to surround ourselves with people.....that see our value and see our diamond inside us..........
We can chose to put ourselves in a market or put ourselves in a precious stone store!And you can also choose to see the value in other people,you can help other people see the diamond inside of them.Choose the people you surround yourself with wisely.They can make all the difference in your life.

Let's take another Scenario, A bar of iron costs 5$, made into horseshoes it's worth 12$,made into needles it's worth 3500$,made into balance springs for watches,it's worth 300,000$.Your own value is determined also by what you are able to make of yourself.
"Our job in this life time is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be,but to find out who we already are and become it."(-Wayne Dyer)
When everything is going right, we don't notice.But when things fall apart, we react.May be the key to happiness is just noticing.What I'm trying to say is don't focus too much on the negative that you forget about the big picture i.e. the positive around you.
Bad News,Life doesn't always give you what you want.
Good News,It will give you what you believe in.
Don't stop believing.Life is only as good as your own belief system.If you think life is good,life is good.If you think life is bad,life is bad.Keep fighting for what you believe in and let the nonbelievers live life their way.Keep doing because life is good.Change your mindset.Change your life.

Do you love stories? If yes,So here is one......

Once upon a time,there was a farmer and he bought 2 water bottles .(Assume it a kind of pot)But unfortunately,one of them had a big hole in bottom of it.The farmer used both of these bottles to put water and brought them to his town.But the broken bottle leaked continually so that it made him feel useless.And the other bottle,to have been feeling proud,used to make tease of him every time when he spilled water.One day,the broken bottle couldn't stand it anymore and asked the farmer to throw himself away.However,the farmer smiled,with saying "Did you see the road in our town recently?"
They went back down to the road and there were many beautiful flowers. "Do you see that?" The water that you spilled so far has grown these plants.
Even though we have some bad points,we don't need to stay sad and depressed all the time.Because we also can offer help to others using our flaws.Cheer up! Life is Good!

A Quick Recap!
Try not to over-complicate things.We are only here for short time.Once this day is over,It's gone forever.The space in our mind is too valuable and precious for us to fill it with nonsense.So free your mind of nonsense.Don't be afraid to start over.It's a chance to build something better this time.Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and that's starting over again.Life is an experiment in which you may fail or succeed.Explore more,Expect less.