Tuesday, May 28, 2019

What's Your PURPOSE?

What fascinates me is that hardly anyone is wondering what we're actually doing on this planet.May be because the ones who do strive for truth go insane or sound mad......haha....I'm just kidding.But the most accepted the work-eat-entertainment-sleep cycle as life and have no desires for a deeper understanding of our purpose in this universe.We were all put on this earth for a reason.We were meant to make the decisions up until this point that led us to this very day.Keep Learning about yourself and just try your best at whatever it is in life that you want to do.Everyone is special in their own way.Learn from each other because you won't be able to experience everything yourself.
Guys according to me I don't think we were given a purpose,I think we make it.I am not gonna get hung up trying to explain why I am.I'm just am.Maybe it's not any more complicated than that."Get busy living,or get busy doing".
Someday,everything will make perfect sense.So for now,laugh at the confusion,smile through the tears,be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.(John Mayer)
You'll never really know what the future may turn out to be.It could be entirely different than what you imagined.But at least you know what's important to you now and what's worth fighting for at the moment.Those are the things that will shape your future and you have to believe that you'll definitely get there one day.Believing isn't the only thing,be ready to put some incredible hard work to make it happen.Keep your head up.You got this!"The journey is inside not outside"
You only get 24 hours a day so spend it wisely.Know well to manage your priorities/activities.If important and urgent DO IT NOW,important but not urgent PLAN IT,not important but urgent DELEGATE,not important and not urgent DROP IT.
Effort builds character.Work hard and love yourself for putting in the effort.It's not easy to put in work day in and day out.But if you can do it,bring yourself up instead of bringing yourself down.If it doesn't happen today,that's Ok. There's always tomorrow.Be patient.Nobody gives a damn about the hard work,in the end the only thing that matter's is RESULTS.
Success always hugs you in private.....but failure always slaps you in the public!that's life!  
Psychology says,Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already knew;No matter how much it hurts now,someday you will look back and realize your struggles changed your life for the better;When you focus on problems,you will have more problems.When you focus on possibilities,you will have more opportunities.
The most motivational thing:
 1.01         =    37.8
  0.99        =    0.03
The difference between giving it 101% vs 99% every day.Life compounds.

50 people were asked to enter a room filled with balloons.They had an unexpected surprise.
Wanna know more about it?
Once a group of 50 people were attending a seminar.Suddenly ,the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity.He started giving each person a balloon.Each one was asked to write his/her name on it using a pen.Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room.
Now these delegates were let in the room and were asked to find the balloon which had their name written.Within 5 minutes everyone was frantically searching for their name,colliding with each other,pushing around others and there was utter chaos.
At the end of 5 minutes,no one could find their own balloon.Now each one was asked to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it.
Within minutes,everyone had their own balloon.
The speaker began---"Exactly this is happening in our lives.Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around,not knowing where it is.
Happiness lies in the happiness of others.Give them their happiness;you will get your happiness.This is the purpose of human life!!"

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Attention ! Attention ! Attention !

Your attention is most important.You become a master of your life when you learn how to control where your attention goes.Value what you give your energy and time to.Where you spend your time most determines what things you learn,what habits you form and what successes you'll achieve.Bury your head in books so you can learn and gain knowledge and perspective.Be practical.You know the saying,"use it or lose it".Spend time putting that knowledge to good use.Control your emotions when things upset you.Your reaction is everything.Feel it,understand it,and let it go.It's not worth the hassle.You have better things to do with your time and energy.Spend it on something useful and beneficial to your life. Control your emotions or they will control you.Sometimes what we think can't be done is all in your head.We simply made it up.Change your mindset to believe and find it in yourself to make it happen.Surround yourself with people who are rooting for you .A little encouragement goes a long way.You can do this.Don't quit!
The people you need in your life:
1.THE PUSHER - A pusher is someone who pushes you to be the best you can be.They make you question life,your choices,your directions.
2.THE LOYAL CONFIDENT - This is the person who loves you and will always be there to hear what's on your mind,the good,bad and ugly.
3.THE ENERGIZER - Energizers are those people who have an infectious zest for life.Not only are they optimistic but they encourage you to dream big.Energizes leave you laughing,inspired and filled with amazing positive energy.
4.THE MENTOR - A mentor is someone who has already done what you are trying to do and is successful.They can guide you down the path letting you know what has worked and failed for them.Helping you avoid any mistakes that might slow you down.

No one has control over your life.You control your life and you control your destiny.Don't let one failure determine the course of your success.Keep pushing forward.Give it your all.Let doors close so others can open.Have faith in whatever you believe.Whether it is God,a higher being,and/or destiny.I believe that life is already on its course and you just need to keep living your life.If you believe that there's more to life then you'll continue to seek more.Know yourself and follow your gut.Life is guiding you to your purpose but nothing is handed to us without hard work and effort.Life needs to know that you'll do whatever it takes and in return, you'll get what you want.You don't have to believe me,believe what feels true to you and do what's right for you.It's  your life so believe what you want to believe and do what you want to do.
You know what guys I sometimes hate having plan B.Because I am setting myself up for failure,when I am thinking of the plan B....I am doubting myself.When ever we are planning for our pan we doubt ourselves if our plan A fails in case so we make a plan B......a protective layer.So what ever energy we are putting in plan A is subdivided into two plans.....
Always have a plan on how you're going to succeed.If you don't have one,find one.If you can't find one,make one.You need to know where you're going at all times otherwise you'll just be wasting time.Once you've figured it out,stick to the plan.If you're not willing to take risks and seek it out until end the your plan isn't good enough.You should find another plan that works for you.Tat you believe in 100%.Do what feels right for you.Believe in yourself.Believe in your plan.Never doubt yourself.If you don't believe in it,who will?No one but yourself.
You can't change the past.You can only change how you adapt to it in the present.
Don't spend your precious life waiting in the wrong lines.Don't waste time complaining.Spend more time being grateful that you get a chance to experience life for what it is and to do what you want to do.There's more to life than meets the eye.We haven't begone to experience everything in life yet.Keep investing and loving yourself to allow greatness to come out of you.You only live once in this life time so might as well make the best of it by practicing gratitude and helping others do the same.So we should use Gratitude as fuel instead of putting Complaints on pedestal...So crucial to be grateful,even for the smallest things.Negativity is a plague that ruins every aspect of our life!Never forget that it's our choice in which line we go stand!To me, the sad part is you get nothing out of complaining except more pain.Time is precious,Exactly don't waste your time doing things you don't like without purpose.Take actions to reach your goal at some point.You control YOUR life✌

So your attention is just like watering to plants daily.Lets take 3 plants where one is your dreams,next your fears and next is your insecurities.When we water daily to our fears and insecurities we get nothing out but just disappointment and dissatisfaction.Whereas if we water daily to our dreams consistently we would definitely get good results ultimately,our plant grows and we get fruits that get ripe day by day by maintaining our consistency in watering plants as well as other aspects of nature supports us in our journey and finally our fruits are ready to pluck that tastes so sweet that we forget our sacrifices.Because the fruit of hard work always taste's sweet.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Did You Ever THOUGHT ?

Today I am gonna discuss about just a basic thought that I think along with me many people also have but they don't realize the reason behind it.So let's explore and dig in deeper to find the reason!
Did you ever realized in your life that at first we use to go to first and then second and eventually we did not even realize that we completed our class 10th,12th boards.It's just like,we have just now only joined school.At once it completed with a couple of time.The big question is HOW?
Another scenario,Did you hear anytime your parents telling,"pata hi nhi chala bacche kab badhe hogaye"(Translation -We hardly realized,when our children have grown up so big and older).Even I heard my elder brother telling,"college ke 4 saal pata hi nhi chala kab khatam hogaye"(Translation - I hardly realized when my college,my engineering four years got completed,it's just like a fraction,a couple of time).Old people telling,"Mere 70-80 saal ki zindigi ek pal me hi nikal gayi"(Translation - My 70-80 years of life completed just in a moment)They all mean the same that life is passing away in the twinkling of an eye with out even realization to us.
These are just Ironical,WHY?
Because every day we work so hard,we go to school/college,we eat,we bath,we fight,we drive,we laugh,we sleep.But still after 10-15 years we fell like nothing has happened.Like everything went very fast.Before letting you guys to know the reason.........the magic...........the secret behind this thought process,I want you guys to answer me a couple of questions:
1.What your mother has cooked 3 days before?
2.Which junk food or food from outside you have ordered the last time?
3.A special question to all the boys,3 days before how many boys you have talked face-to-face and how many girls you have talked face-to-face?Similarly my dear lovely girls,3 days before how many boys you have talked face-to-face and how many girls you have talked face-to-face?(exact count in numbers)
Probably majority of you might have answered the 2nd or 3rd question.Because they are unique.As everyday our mom cooks food so daily the routine is same;but suddenly if we eat something from outside we remember it because it is something different that our daily routine.(Like for instance,I ate momos last Wednesday😁).Similarly daily I talk with girls but suddenly when I talk with boys it's different than what I do.(just take for instance,I talked today with Pooja(in case of boys),I talked with Sunil(in case of girls)....these names are just for reference,an example..may be something.....in your case😅)
Our mind is just like Thanos. It is very clever and smart.It forms a pattern.A routine like for a student go to school/college,comeback,sleep,eat,tution,homework,study,sleep again get up morning continues for 10-12 years and so on........... Similarly mother gets up,cooks food,looks after children,husband and household chores,office works and........similarly father....and the pattern goes on.Once a pattern is formed then our mind copy's it and paste's it ,copy-paste,copy-paste.......continues.But if we encounter a unique thing then our mind pattern/loop breaks.Just take the example of an engineering student whose 4 years completed/passed away.If you ask them which year of engineering is most memorable?Majority of people will tell first year because our life pattern breaks;class 12th boards,JEE Mains/Advanced....and in 1st year we get hostel life,mess food,new friends,driving license,girlfriend/boyfriend,bunking classes....even negative sides are also there (smoking,alcohol) but lets not focus over there...Always look into the positive side...then the perspective to see life will also change....Ok let's come back to our main point....But when it repeats in 2nd or 3rd or 4th years then we don't get more memories. 
MORAL:We all have one life,then from now,10-15,50-100 years we shouldn't think like "we didn't realize how these many years passed away"We want our life's every moment to live fully.Learn something,make memories that we remember always.So try to break this pattern.So this pattern breaks by some small-small things,like in-short by exploring new domains like go and cook food one day,instead of playing pubg go and play football,getup early and surprise your family by going for a morning walk,instead of liking your neighbour friend's photo in instagram go and meet him and come.Start learning a new course like photography,Take the first step.
One of my friend what she is to do is take the camera to all the places,and capture the good moments and record it.After four years she has 368GB of material memes,videos,photos.Similarly you can also write down in diaries(I know no one writes in this present digital and modern world) or take photos,voice recordings.......so on.You won't be realizing now,but you will definitely realize after four years.Also remember not just capturing every moment but try to live every moment enjoy it to the fullest!
A long life may not be good enough,but a good life is long enough.
So what are you gonna try new today tell me in the comment section below. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Be LIMITLESS - If something doesn't work one way ,Do it another way!

Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you have to do it.Figure out your own path so that you can help others along the way to do the same.Discover your passion and your purpose.Be the best at it and live that you design for yourself.It's not going to be easy so get your mind right,have discipline,have patience,and have accountability for your actions and inactions. If  you choose to do something ,go for it with all you got otherwise you're wasting your time.If you don't give it your all,you will always lose to the person who is.Believe in your dream and do everything you can to make it a reality.I rather be doing that than doing what everyone is doing.Not to say it's bad thing,moreso that life isn't meant for me.If you feel the same,create a different path.Don't settle.That's what I call being in the rat race And it get's worse the longer you are in it.There's so much than just being stuck in a cubicle for the entire life and not solving problems and making people happy and ultimately you get sad and depressed deep inside.
People always tell that success comes to those who chooses the harder path but what if we choose the smarter and easier path!so lets make a history by choosing something different than the crowd.😉
There's more to life that meets the eye.You're always one decision away from an entirely different life.Give it a try!Experience life to the fullest by doing what your heart desires.Learn from it and do it all over again.
While you are thinking about it,The other guy is doing it!
Every morning don't lay in bed and let the day go by.Get up and execute to make your dreams a reality.Don't say you're gonna do this and that.Just shut up and do it!Habits don't happen overnight so form this habit now.Repeat it over and over until it's a normal routine.Have discipline.Habits can be easily broken if you're not consistent with your efforts.This was me for way too long hahaha ....just sitting there talking about all the ideas I had.Then when I saw it........I'd talk about how I had that idea too....What a shame and a waste of time that was back then.Lessons learned though✌
We all serve some purpose in this lifetime.Some discover it earlier and some discover it later in their lives.Continue to invest in yourself.You know what you're capable of .You know what you're good at and what you're not.Continue to push forward and do things that make your life happy and enjoyable.
The opportunity we have today to do what we love is incredible.Only if you take that risk to do it.Don't follow the status quo if you were meant to stand out.Let the world know you're here for a reason.To serve your purpose in life whatever it is that you want  to do.The goal should always be to do whatever you want,when you want,where you want,and how you want.Keep pushing forward!
The goal is to enjoy the process,those who keep learning have reached success no matter what level they are on.Everyone will never be free.....only those that push and drive harder than everyone else....only those that are willing to sacrifice and make the tough decisions.One more most important thing is No matter what age,what job you have,what period of life you're in.ALWAYS go for your dreams and passions.And on top of that,surround yourself with people who do motivate you to follow any and every dream you have!Life should never be controlled by our fears.
Equality -"Until everyone is free,no one is free".Let that sink for a movement🤔.We all have a responsibility to make change in this world,no matter how big or small.
So my small gesture to everyone reading this ,you are powerful,you are significant and I wish you a happy day and asking you to smile☺️ and be grateful for everything you have in life.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

BELIEF-an article of faith

Tags : Belief,faith,confidence,hope,idea,assumption,acceptance

Belief is very important with anything you do in your life.You have to really believe in what you're
trying to accomplish ,believe that you can achieve success some day,and believe in yourself when no one else does.Once you have that belief ,feeling is everything.
Imagine that it's already happening to you.Have gratitude and know what it feels like to have freedom to do whatever you want when you accomplish your goals and dreams.It's amazing to imagine something in your life happening before it happens and manifesting it.Love your life for it's the life you designed for yourself and love the people in it because it makes life so much enjoyable.Without the people,there would be no one to celebrate with and have great experiences with.
 There's more to life than meets the eye.You're always one decision away from an entirely different life. Give it a try while you're still young.What do you have to lose but all to gain?Experience life to the fullest by doing what your heart desires.Learn from it and do it all over again.
"Everybody wants a change,but nobody wants to work out.
Everybody wants muscle,but nobody want to train.
We don't realize that the process of training ourselves,the process of conditioning ourselves actually feels incredible,once you get that initial momentum.
You gotta decide you're gonna commit to mastery.
The only thing that's gonna make you happy,my friend,in this year or any other,is to step up."(Tony Robbins) 
That is so true.Everyone wants to be rich or successful but almost nobody wants the sacrifices that it requires , well folks you can't have your cake and eat it too😉 First you need to find your purpose and desire.Let that fuel your drive.How bad do you really want it!!🔥
As you progress in your journey, new challenges will be waiting for you.It doesn't get easier from hear on out,it actually gets harder.What got you here won't get you there.Doing the same things over and over won't get you different results.You'll need to think deeper and push yourself harder than you've ever done before.Be discipline and form good habits consistently in order to program your subconscious mind to do what you want it to do.We are able to adapt and do anything that we put our minds to.If an egg is broken by outside force life ends,But if it's broken by inside force life begins."Great things happen from deep inside";I actually did this when I was small child.....My grandma use to have chickens....and I observed how the baby chickens come out of the egg....by cracking it...so I remember I decided to help and the little baby chicken died!I was so mad because I helped.....Until my grandma told me: You can not help him..he needs to do it himself to be strong on the outside!So I cried!But I learned something new.
 Your mindset is the key to determine your success.You need to let go of temporary liabilities and focus on investing in yourself and your future for long term happiness - your financial independence.
Believe in yourself and you can win the world!!
I love this!Chess is an amazing game that can be applied to life,business,or almost anything really.For example my father always made this comparison,before you move a piece,think,in life before you speak,think.....
Figure out what you want to do in life and do just that.Everyone is different with their own thing,pay no attention to that.Comparing won't do you any good.Focus on your thing and what you excel at.Do what feels right to you.Be grateful and have fun while doing it.Be happy,Life's too short Believe in yourself and in your dreams.😊

Saturday, May 11, 2019

MOTHER - just like a flower each one is Beautiful & Unique

There is one relationship in this life which hands down scores above all other known relationships in this world.Wondering which one? Don't scratch your head too much guys as that undemanding,effortless relationship is none other than that of a mother,which is truly priceless in terms of her abundant and countless love,dedication,and devotion towards her family.The word  Mother stands for Magnificent Outstanding Tender Honorable Extraordinary Remarkable.
To acknowledge the presence of all mothers around the globe, Mother's day is celebrated in many countries of the world .This is truly a special day for the mothers who are mostly underrated in this male-dominated society.
The most beautiful and dignified soul we all have or had in our lives -  'Mother','Mom','Maa','Amaa',the words sound similar across most languages and evoke the same warmth and love.She is the one who is less than God for her child.Perhaps  it's well said that the physical presence of God was not possible everywhere because of which He created this idol called 'Mom'-goddess of multitasking.
"She is not a Doctor,But she cures all my pain.She is not an engineer,but she fixes everything that is wrong.She is not a philosopher,but she taught me purpose of life.She is not god,But she made me experience heaven in her presence.A person with the ability to detect a lie,hear the smallest noises, a person who does the work of many for free, a shoulder to cry on, a super hero.......... and she is my mother" 💖
"It may be possible to gild pure gold,but who can make his mother more beautiful"(Mahatma Gandhi)
Everything in nature bespeaks the mother.The sun is the mother of earth and gives it it's nourishment of heat;it never leaves the universe at night until it has put the earth to sleep to the song of the sea and the hymn of birds and brooks.And this earth is the mother of trees and flowers .It produces them,nurses them, and weans them.The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds.And the mother,the prototype of all existence,is the eternal spirit,full of beauty and love.
Mother's Day is an occasion which is celebrated on second sunday in the month of May in various parts of the world to express respect,honor,and love towards mothers.This day is an event to honor the contribution  of mothers,acknowledge the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our society.It is a day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers in their life and is observed as a day to give special emphasis to motherly figures around the world.
Yes, tomorrow is Mother's day and you know what ,when I open my phone I see lots of people posting pictures along with their mother with a fancy hashtags(#)  through different social media platforms be it whatsapp,facebook ,instagram,snapchat ...........I  know just like birthday we need a special day to celebrate and show our love to our mother but what about the rest 364 days .Don't get me wrong guys, what I am trying to say is that a mother showers her love and sacrifices for us through out the year ,similarly in a single day we can't return or pay-back everything ,right ? I am not telling that you shouldn't post a picture.As pictures are  nothing but capturing the moment.Instead of posing a picture for a single day and making feel special for a single day ,try to make her feel special everyday and celebrate everyday as Mother's day.No matter how "BUSY" a person's day may be!If they "REALLY CARE",they'll always find time for their Mother.Respect and honor every mother be it's your own  mother, someone else's mother,or mother earth,protect them! love them!be grateful!and yes don't forget to thank god 😊 , As a mother is just like a flower Every one is Beautiful and Unique in their own way!! Try to spend your time more with your loved ones ,with your family. Because we never know what might happen tomorrow! 

mom who has lost a child
child who has lost a mom
woman struggling with infertility
sweet one in a broken relationship
            adoptive mom
              foster mom
             birth mom
dad who has to be the mom,too
sister/brother who takes care of their sibling's and family
mom of a difficult kid
mom of a child with health issues
mom who feels like she's failing
         You are not forgotten,you are not alone

As tomorrow is mother's day a salute and tribute to all the mothers and our mother earth