Nowadays there are so many books,audiobooks,podcasts, steps to success and tips and tricks on the internet.Don't get me wrong guys,you should always educate yourself and learn as much as you can. But if you don't apply or implement the things that you learn ,those lessons are as good as nothing. An idea stays an idea unless you execute it. Try to be more practical and learn as well as apply.Do more so that you can continue to do more in your life.Don't live in your head too long .Ideas stay and die there without execution.
Doing is good but if it is based on thinking .For instance, without a second thought if you go and slap a Police Inspector,then you might get into a trouble and also there are chances that you might even get arrested. Ha ha...... "the doer might act stupid without thinking"...ain't he right??? Sometimes a little thinking helps you to avoid decisions that make you run into a wall.
Isn't it funny how we feel stuck when we are also surrounded by nothing but opportunities?
What I mean is , Don't wait around for the perfect opportunity. If you see something that others don't see,execute and take action now!No one ever succeeded by sitting and pondering."Execution beats everything".✌
Don't expect life to get any easier.It's going to get more tougher and harder.Every new skill, every new lesson,and every new experience you go through and learn will all worth it in the end .I'm just like any one of you .If I believe I can do it then I believe you can too!
Life is like a video game,during difficult times you get tons of experience 🔥
The point is to seek out new challenges.If it's not getting complicated i.e. tougher and harder ,you're not progressing;you're not getting to the next level of the game.Keep getting better and better at life so that you can level up!!!
Keep finding ways to push forward when it matters most.You'll have ups and downs You'll be excited and then you won't.Don't forget ,each day is a new day to make some progress.Even if it's small,it's still progress. Slowly but surely.If it's important enough to you, you'll find a way to make it work.It's easier to say than doing but trying is better is better than doing nothing.That's for sure.
What you're doing won't work all the time.Sometimes you just have to think outside the box.Take a different approach.
There are some people who tell " I want to do it but what people will think "🤔
What matters is what we think of ourselves and not what other people think of us.If I lived my life based on other people's opinions than it wouldn't be my life anymore.Live your life on your terms My Life My Rules .Who cares what people think.
Challenge yourself daily and continue to fight for your dreams.Remember success leaves clues so make sure to follow them and figure it out.
You just never know when it will happen but deep down inside you know it is bound to happen eventually if you just keep trying.Each day,you know you get closer and closer to success.Don't be discouraged.Failure is not failure,it is experience .Anything you do is helping you move forward.Anything you figure out whether it's slow or fast is helping you progress.Don't get all your hopes up for just one moment.It's not about the destination ,it's about the process and how you get there.Enjoy it.Get use to it.Believe that it will happen and it will eventually happen.There is always hope.Tomorrow is another day.Just never give up!
There are some people who tell " I want to do it but what people will think "🤔
What matters is what we think of ourselves and not what other people think of us.If I lived my life based on other people's opinions than it wouldn't be my life anymore.Live your life on your terms My Life My Rules .Who cares what people think.
Challenge yourself daily and continue to fight for your dreams.Remember success leaves clues so make sure to follow them and figure it out.
You just never know when it will happen but deep down inside you know it is bound to happen eventually if you just keep trying.Each day,you know you get closer and closer to success.Don't be discouraged.Failure is not failure,it is experience .Anything you do is helping you move forward.Anything you figure out whether it's slow or fast is helping you progress.Don't get all your hopes up for just one moment.It's not about the destination ,it's about the process and how you get there.Enjoy it.Get use to it.Believe that it will happen and it will eventually happen.There is always hope.Tomorrow is another day.Just never give up!